Wednesday 18 March 2015

outgoing mail

Oh my gosh its been over a month since I posted, oops! Thought I'd post about some outgoing mail I've sent recently(ish)

A parcel to fee from burntfeather in response to an amazing package of goodies that I have yet to post about. 

And some mail to American friends and a thank you card to Amethyst from Goodnight Sleep Write, who featured my snail mail on her blog!

I'm loving my rifle paper co. thanks cards that I brought back from America. I wish postage for rifle paper co. to Australia wasn't so darn expensive :-( I would go stationary crazy!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Valentines Mail ♡

Just some Valentines mail I sent out to a few friends. The cards are from Quill & Fox and I think they are just the sweetest things ever!

I used a mix of watercolours, confetti (do you like my new heart confetti!), tissue paper and dymo tape to decorate them.

I also sent out little wrapped boxes of conversation hearts that I brought back from America :-)

I hope y'all have a swell valentines!

Thursday 5 February 2015

pompom mail

One of my friends is moving into a new house so I thought I would send a little housewarming package filled with pompom goodness. 

Ever since seeing a picture of a box filled to the brim with pompoms I have wanted to send or receive something like that so I thought it would be sweet to send some pompom garlands to decorate her new house with. 

I also sent some succulent cuttings to start a little pot plant

I decorated the box with my new jumbo confetti that I got for christmas, best present!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

home again!

Hello all! I got back from America a couple of weeks ago, I had such a fantastic time but it's lovely to be home. Hopefully I'll be back to blogging regularly now, I've missed it!

p.s. while I was away I did an interview over at Brit&Co if you want to have a peek. I also started an instagram :-)

Thursday 18 December 2014

Outgoing Mail

I found this post in my drafts from forever ago. It's just a letter I sent to my sister because I found the sweetest little scone recipe book at an antique shop and she loves to cook scones :-) I miss sending snail mail! I'll be back home in Australia in about a month though and I'll be reunited with all my stationary, which because I'm super dorky makes me awfully excited!

I also sent an instax photo of our cat, a fortune teller fish and sweet hedgehog notepaper that Fee from burntfeather sent me. 

 I should have taken more photos of inside the little recipe booklet because it was so sweet. It had all these handy tips for making the perfect scones and had all different variations you could make. There were a heap of these little recipe booklets and the seller said they used to come in tea packets, wish they still did! 

Thursday 4 December 2014

Vintage Motel Signs

Hi all, sorry, I haven't posted in forever! Studying in America has been amazing but I'm leaving in two weeks :-( Then I'll be travelling for about a month, THEN BACK HOME TO AUSTRALIA!

I have seen so many beautiful vintage signs over here but most of my photos are taken out of the car window and are super blurry. But here are a few of my favourites that I got semi-decent snaps of. Enjoy xx

Sunday 2 November 2014

happy halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!!

A photo I found of me and my siblings when we were little - I'm the ballerina :-)

Saturday 20 September 2014


We've been doing so much at uni that I haven't had time to write about my trip to Yellowstone yet! We headed here after Palm Springs and it was so darn pretty!

I'm a little in love with smokey bear- I bought a vintage smokey bear poster off eBay and I'm so excited for it to arrive!

There are squirrels and chipmunks everywhere- they are so sweet! I still haven't gotten over how cutely they prance around. 

Just a pretty view :-)

This big bull elk was only about 2m away! His antlers were crazy big!

So I probably won't be posting much for a long time because most of my uni photos are taken with my terrible quality old phone and I haven't been travelling anywhere or doing much op shopping so toodaloo for now :-)

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Thrift finds

Ok so I've been super bad at posting on here, I'm at uni now and I've been so busy! You will just have to ignore the terrible quality of the photos and admire all the tacky goodness. 

The thrift shops in America are AMAZING! I've been to about 5 in the past few weeks and all have had so many goodies. It's been so hard to resist, knowing that I somehow have to get it all back to Australia. 

There is so much american kitsch stuff here. I am in love! I am especially taken with the 1977 plaster horse wall hanging! Pretty darn ugly, but so good. I have two that are really similar, so that makes it a collection, yay!

I hardly ever find vintage planters and one goodwill had a whole heap, all for $1-$2, each! Isn't the donkey one too cute? Can't wait to plant a cactus in him :-)

 I've also found about a dozen beautiful cards to add to my ever expanding card collection. I find it so hard to actually use them because they are just too lovely! 

Hope you're all having a lovely week and having good luck at the op shops!