Sunday, 18 May 2014

Mendl's Mail

Below is a letter I sent to a fellow grand budapest hotel fan :-) 
All you have to do is paint an envelope salmon pink with watercolours, allow it to dry, then use red paint to do a simplified version of the mendl's box design.

I didn't bother drawing the design first, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I like the uneven look, but if you prefer a more perfect envelope you could trace all the swirls etc from the actual box design. Don't forget to substitute the words for your friends address though!

Next I want to try making the courtesan au chocolat sweets that feature throughout the film - you can find a video and recipe here

You can even make a box to put your cooking creations in using this DIY!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the mendl's inspired mail and have a lovely week! 

p.s. I may be absent from this blog for a little while because my camera has broken :-( I have yet to decide what type of camera to get - is it worth the extra money to get a slr or should I just get a still shot camera? I am torn because I would like to have better quality images but I don't want to spend too much- definitely no more than $500 so it would be on the cheap end of slr's- is their quality still good? I am by no means a photography person so any advice would be much appreciated!


  1. The envelope is just beautiful! Would you like to exchange mail with me? I admire your style so much and would be happy to write first. :)

    1. thanks! and I'd love to swap some mail! what's your email address? or email me at :-)

  2. Oh my gosh, so cool! Still catch my self thinking how great that film was too :) On the camera front, I'm definitely out of touch with point and shoots these days but if you're going the DSLR way, the lens plays one of the most important parts in getting nice photos. DSLR usually come with a pretty horrid zoom lens (called the kit lens) which doesn't usually go very far down in aperture maybe f/4. Going down to something like an f/1.4 means you get that nice blurry background! So I'd say shop around for a cheap body and get a 50mm lens which can go down to 1.8 or 1.4 or something like that :)

    I hope that makes some sense! Oh and the main feature of more expensive camera bodies are the ability for high ISO (semi generalisation alert!) which simply means you can get away with shooting in lower light conditions :)

    1. thanks for the advice fee! it sorta makes sense haha. thanks again though for your advice- super useful :-)

  3. :D beautiful envelope,as usual!
    i think Fiona gave you a lot of useful advices,hope you can get a camera soon!i forgot to take pictures to the letter i sent you :/

    1. thanks sara :-) and I know, I hope so too! I just have to get up the guts to spend some money- I hate spending big amounts haha.

  4. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Love that movie and love this DIY! :)

    1. aw thanks :-) Isn't the movie just the best!

  5. You won't regret buying a SLR. It's worth every penny, and the best part is that it doesn't age the same way other electronic devices does. Mine's 6 years old now and I use it everyday. Mine is just the cheapest SLR Canon makes, but I've added some lenses and a flash later to upgrade it. That's the other nice thing about a SLR – The lens might break or go slow, but that's easily replaceable.

    Buy yourself a SLR and find an e-course or a class somewhere where you can learn to benefit from all it's advantages.

    1. thanks heaps for the advice! I am definitely considering getting an SLR. I'm going to go look at some today :-)

  6. Gorgeous lettering! I'm so enjoying clicking through your posts. I love your style.

    1. oh thank you! I love love love your blog and your taste! thanks for checking mine out :-D

  7. Hi there! Sorry for sending this in the comments - I couldn't find an email address for you anywhere. I'm pulling together a post for my blog on 20 of my favourite snail mail / mail art projects. I want to include this gorgeous envelope on the list and was wondering if it would be ok with you if I used an image from this post to illustrate my reference to you. Would that be ok? 

    Take care,

    1. hello! I would love for you to include it in your blog post! I just checked out your blog and its awesome! feel free to use a picture. thanks so much :-D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. you are so creative! that is such a cute envelope. i bet the postman and postwoman smile when they come across such a letter... i heart that movie too! so whimsical and fun!

    1. aw thanks :-) best movie ever hey! I loved your courtesan au chocolat's!

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I would love to hear your comments! thank you :-)